< Back

Web Ui code organization and build system

The User interface could be divided into two parts - the web page and the build system. The task of the build system is to assemble a web page from the sources making it as small as possible. First we describe the packages used by the web page, then the packages used by the build system and the actions witch it performs while assembling the web page. In the end we are going to take a look at the code organization.

The web page

Javascript libraries used by the web page

Build System

How it works

The build system heavily uses Node.js, Node.js ports javascript on the server side making it quite flexible language that could be used as a language for system programming.

The main task of the build system is to minimize and concatenate files located in the source sub directory moving them int the build directory.

The resulting file is index.min.html, it is then transformed to a C header by tools/f2h, or actually by cd tools; make header [-B].The following section describes how the build system minimizes and combines various files located under the source directory.

Package it uses


Gulp works in the following way - it reads the gulpfile.js located in the current directory and executes it. The user can choose what to run by specifying some command line arguments, such command line arguments are called targets. If gulp is run with no arguments then the default target is executed. The following targets are avaible.

Code organization

Backbone intro

Backbone.js ports some object orientation to the javascript world, the directory and code organization are not highly tied to the abstraction provided by Backbone but some understanding is still required.

Backbone is an MVC framework made to allow easy development of complex solutions. It uses the following terminology:

So the MVC in the Backbone case stand for Model View Collection, usually the C is for Controller - the glue that tides the data (Models) and it's representation(View) together.

Also Backbone adds Events to the world of javascript. Everything could be an event emitter, and everybody could receive it. Event provide an alternative to callbacks and direct function calls. When a model is added to a collection an event is spawned when a model is removed an event is also spawned etc.

How everything works

Our web application keeps a model for every opened document, all of them are kept in the app.docs collection. The data is not kept directly in the model but in an object prided by codemirror. All the code related to the "documents" is located in documents.js file. Data kept in app.Document models is rendered with codemirror views (app.ScriptEditor).

The code (data) kept in documents is interpreted with the app.interpreter, it eval()s code supplied to it, an adds the require() functions and exports object. Also the app.interpreter is used by the console to process it inputs. Code related to app.interpreter is located in interpreter.js. The interpreter does not use any of the functionality provided by Backbone.

The output of the interpreter is dumped to the log subsystem, each log message is kept in a separate model and all models are kept in the app.logs.raw collection. The filtering is possible due to the existence of app.logs.filtered collection where the messages are put only after filtering them. If no filtering is imposed then app.logs.filtered is equal to app.logs.raw.

Directory organization


Directory Description
fonts/ Here bootstrap icons are kept, not actually used.
javascripts/ Here javascript files are kept.
stylesheets/ Here css files are kept.
templates/ Here templates files are kept for building index.html
index.html Actually index.html
Directory Description
api.js Warpers for AJAX calls
app.js Main file, keeps text-editor views and the "main" view
console.js Console related code
documents.js Document related code
full/ Full (not minimized) javascripts, kept for debugging
interpreter.js interpreter related code
logs.js Logging related code
minified/ Monified versions of the code
standard-libs.js Default librarises accesible at run time byu the user edited scripts
utils.js Utilites